Time Retrieval Force review
Title: Time Retrieval Force Genre: minigame Plot: Dimension traveling goes wrong for a group of soldiers, and they have to avoid giant...
Dreams review
Title: Dreams Genre: 3d exploration Plot: NA Positives +Good visuals +Interactive animations +Good audio +Variety Negatives -Can be buggy...
The Diminutive Experience review
Title: The Diminutive Experience Genre: Minigame Plot: You are shrunk and have to save your fellow tinies from a group of girls trying to...
Super Stomp Sisters review
Title: Super Stomp Sisters Genre: Minigame Plot: Wendy takes control of the minds of all of the Mario princesses and grows them with mega...
Shrink High review
Title: Shrink High Genre: RPG Price: Free Plot: You are the detective Chijinda, who goes to a high school to investigate the strange...